Monday, February 7, 2011
Scratchbuild: Deffrolla Mk. IV
Now that the fourth Battlewagon is finished, it's time to scratchbuild another Deffrolla. This time I actually have better tools, as well as styrene tubing in various shapes & sizes (as opposed to making the foamcore-and-plasticard "sandwiches" that I resorted to for my first two Deffrollas). So, hopefully this won't take long
Round styrene tubing was cut for the mounting points:
Large rectangular tubing was cut for the upper arms:
The mitre box sped things up considerably - I was able to just cut the tubing at a 45-degree angle, rather than having to "eyeball" it and trim it multiple times later.
I closed up the ends with some plasticard scraps:
...and trimmed them with my side cutters:
The upper arms were glued to the round tubing:
I cut some plasticard to close the ends of the 'rolla:
The lower arms were cut from some slightly smaller rectangular styrene tubing:
...and again closed with plasticard:
I cut some "notches" in the upper arms:
this allowed me to "seat" the lower arms with more surface-to-surface contact, making it stronger:
I again used one of these little wooden spools as a spacer to mount the barrel of the 'rolla to the arms:
I used a bit of styrene rod through the arms & barrel to add support:
I inserted toothpicks through the ends, to simulate spikes:
About this time, I decided the spot where the upper arms attached to the mounting points needed more support. To remedy this, I cut some pieces of dowel rod:
Then I drilled a hole where the upper arms attach:
...and opened it up with my hobby knife:
Then I glued in the dowel rods:
Plasticard was cut into scraps, and glued to the barrel of the 'rolla to simulate armor plates:
Adding rivets:
Bits of guitar string were used to simulate hydraulic lines:
Spikey bits from a fantasy Chaos Marauders kit were added to the barrel:
Some Forge World brass glyphs were added to the lower arms as accents:
Only one more of these to build - I'm thinking I might make the last one much more elaborate. Stay tuned!
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