-I always use Woodland Scenics for stuff like static grass, ballast, trees, etc. - it's WAY cheaper than GW stuff, and looks better in my opinion. (Games Workshop charges $8.00 for 15 grams of static grass - that's just over half of an ounce. Woodland Scenics charges $11.00 for a huge 32oz. shaker bottle - so for three dollars more, you get SIXTY-FOUR TIMES the amount of static grass). I bought a few shaker bottles and mix them equally - this should be enough static grass to last me a decade, at least. Although they're primarily focused on model railroading, Woodland Scenics has realized that wargamers have an interest in their product and have been putting in appearances at some of the larger conventions and providing materials for seminars as well.
-For ballast, buy it bigger than you think you'll need to. This is one of those weird optical illusion things - I'm going for a look of coarse gravel, but according to scale each piece of ballast is almost as big as a 28mm model's fist. However, it just doesn't look right if you make it smaller.
...and here's a Chaplain that's in-progress:

Oh, remember how in my last post I was whining about painting eyes? I was determined to figure something out, so I started re-reading every article I could find on the web for painting eyes. I was at Dr. Faust's Painting Clinic and found an interesting quote in this article on brushes:
"Red sables are almost useless for painting fine details like eyes."
Sure enough, I was at the craft supply store the other day picking up some stuff and grabbed a 10/0 nylon brush, and it works like a charm. I'm relieved I finally figured it out, but I must admit my first thought was "UMMM HEY GUYS, SOMEONE COULD HAVE TOLD ME THIS, LIKE, TWO YEARS AGO AND SAVED ME A LOT OF TIME AND FRUSTRATION."
Anyways, I spent the weekend buying supplies & taking photos for a big tutorial article I'm going to post in a day or two, so stay tuned...
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